How do solar panels work?

Solar photovoltaic (also known as solar PV) systems convert energy from the sun into electricity. You can save money by harvesting this free energy. Solar panels are made of a thin layer of semi-conducting material sandwiched between a sheet of glass and a polymer resin. When exposed to daylight, the semi-conducting material becomes 'energised' and this produces electricity.

Smart Tech Energy will help you decide how many solar panels you install (or the size of your system) depending on how much electricity you need to generate and how much space you have on your roof.

It's important to install the right size for your household. Too large a system may be a waste of money if you generate energy that you can’t use, although installing a solar battery and/or exporting energy to the grid can help.

What is solar panel battery storage?

If you have solar PV panels, or are planning to install them, then using home batteries to store electricity you’ve generated will help you to maximise the amount of renewable energy you use. In fact, 60% of people who have, or would consider a home battery say the reason was so they could use more of the electricity generated by their solar panels.

Home-energy storage will also reduce the electricity you use from the grid, and cut your energy bills. If your home is off-grid, it can help to reduce your use of fossil fuel back-up generators.

Even without solar panels, you may be looking to make use of time-of-use tariffs with a battery. These let you store up electricity while it’s cheap (overnight, for example) so you can use it during peak times.

What size solar storage battery do I need?

The average home uses between 8kWh and 10kWh of electricity per day. The capacity of new lithium-ion batteries range from around 1kWh up to as much as 16kWh. If you’re using it alongside solar panels, you need a battery that will cover your evening and night-time electricity usage, that’s then ready to charge again when the sun comes up.

Smart Tech Energy will consider how much energy your solar panels can generate - as there is no point buying a battery that's bigger than they can fill.

With a battery that is well chosen for your home's energy use and your solar panels' output, you should find that you can have enough electricity to serve your evening needs for most of the year. Speak to Smart Tech Energy for a tailored quote to discuss what will be the right for you.